Thursday, September 30, 2021

The School bubble

 Hi guys, Im in my school bubble today and I want to tell you some fun things that we do.

1. Lego challenges 

2. Drawing 

3. Learning 

4. Zooms / Goggle meets 

5. Playing 

6. Having some fun 

7. Making new friends 

8. Win points / prizes 

I hope that you liked some of the things that I do in my school bubble. Talk to you tommrow. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Chinese Zodiac

 Ni Hao Guys Im going to share with you my chinese Zodiac sign. I am a Rabbit so that will be my zodiac in the picture.

 Here is a picture of it down below. 

I hope that you enjoy it and talk with you guys next blog post. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Chinese lanugage week

 Ni hao guys , Happy Chinese lanugage week. I want share with you a song that I leanrt 

Ni hao , Ni hao 

Ni hao ma 

Wa hao , Wa hao 

Wa hen hao

I hope that you liked the song see you next time. 

Monday, September 27, 2021


 Hi Guys it's my birthday is almost 11 days and I will be turning 10. I don't think that New Zealand will be out of level 3 in time for my birthday. I think that there is a %20 chance of New Zealand being out of lockdown in time but there is also about a %80 chance of us staying in level 3 for atleast another week. 

I just hope that I could get a birthday dinner or atleast a cake. #

I'll see you guys in my next blog. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

 Hi again guys i'm going to tell you the results of the cheese cake the flavour is Boysnberry 

I feel really bad for the people that haven't got it right yet. 

See you next blog. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

What I do in lockdown

Hi Guys, We are still in alert level 4 in New Zealand. So I decided to put everything I do in a normal day in lockdown. So here you go. Enjoy talk to you next blog post.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Cheese cake

 Hi guys remember when I told you that my mum was making a cheesecake from fathers day. 

Well if you dont then look at my fathers day blog I did. 

Anyways My mum is making another Cheesecake and the flavour is .... Wait I want you to guess in the comments. Here's a hint it is a berry flavour.

 See you with the results in 5 days. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Update on lockdown

 Hi guys New Zealand is still in lockdown. We have been in lockdown for 4 weeks now. I am starting to get sick of being in lockdown. I want to go to level 3. Ok this will be a short post today and remember to stay safe and stay home. 

Making a Poi

 Hi guys today I made a Poi. It was not hard to make one because I have made one before. It was a good challenge to make one because I had to communicate with my family.  

This is a Poi. 

A Poi is used in Kapa Haka.
 As a skill toy poi is an object or theatrical prop used for dexterity play or an object manipulation. As a performance art, poi involves swinging tethered weights through a variety of rhythmical and geometric patterns. Poi artists may also sing or dance while swinging their poi.

Poi can come in all Sizes , Shapes and Colours. 
I hope that you learnt a bit about Poi. See you next blog post. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Father's day

Yesterday was fathers day. I spent the whole week making stuff for him it was hard to make it with out him seeing. We started of with a feast for breakfast. We had Baked beans, Bacon, Sausages , Eggs and Toast. Then we had lunch we didn't have much for lunch because we were full from breakfast but some of us had a wrap wth cheese and lettuce. Now it is Dinner time and my dad made his famous household burgers. They are the best burgers I have ever eaten. The for Dessert my mum made my dad a cheesecake. I only liked the base though. It was pretty good for her first time. 

I hope you liked my father's day update blog. See you next time. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Learning how to juggle

 Today my teacher gave us a task. That task was to learn how to juggle. I had to watch 2 videos and they still didn't help. So i decided to self teach for a bit. In the end i got it. I started at 9:30am and i didn't finish until 3:00pm so that took a while. I also had 1 meeting and morning tea and lunch. 

I used these balls. They are called Beanbag balls.  Warning don't use tennis balls. 

Comment below if you know how to juggle bye until my next post. 

Fried Rice

Today i made Fried Rice for a ratios task i'll put the link in if you want to make it for yourself. Fried Rice Recipe. Tap the first thing that pops up. It says to use shrimp but i used ham. You could use Chicken, Beef , Ham anything really. 

I hope that you make it and put in the comments if you did. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Difference between Goggle meets and Zoom

 Hi Today I will be telling you the difference between Google meets and Zoom. Ok you may think that Google meets and Zoom are the same thing. I'll tell you that they are not. We will first start with Zoom. The title Zoom and Goggle meets are 2 different names Right? Well what happends when i tell you that they are not the same thing. 1. Zoom is for when you are traveling and a video call comes up and you are in a hotel well... you can still be in the call instead of missing it if it is very important. 2. The founder of zoom didn't like traveling so he made Zoom. Now do you think that Goggle meets can top that. If you do say yes or no in the comments i would love to hear your feedback. 1. Google meets , Hangouts and Chats are all the same thing because they all do the same thing as any of the other things listed would do so they are all like family , Siblings. 

I hope you enjoyed me telling you the difference between Goggle meets and Zoom. 


 Today my class was learning ratios on goggle meets and my teacher told the class to blog about it so here it is. Here is a picture of one of my ratio's.  

I hope you enjoyed this short blog. Stay safe bye.