Thursday, November 25, 2021

My Creating Media

 Hey Everyone, Today I had a Cybersmart lesson with Phil and we were Creating Media. What we had to do is Perswade people to come and visit us in the place that we picked. I went out there with mine. I'm in Mexico. I am now going to show you some pictures. 1. I have a postcard. 2. I have a picture with the postcard. Here it is

Sorry about my straight face. I hope you enjoyed my Creating media. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

How to play Cash Clever

 Hi Everyone, Yesterday there was a meeting and it was with ASB. We were learning about money and then we played a game called Cash Clever. I'm going to teach you how to play incase you want to play at home. 

1st things 1st you write Cash on the side of the screen like I did. 

2nd thing to do is fill it out. 

Clear Goal - What do you want to buy and where are you going to get it from

Action - How can you get some money 

Save & Spend - How much are you going to spend and how much are you going to save? 

How Long - How long will it take to get the money for the thing you want. 

I am going to give you an example. 

I am going to save for a new drink bottle and it's going to be from Countdown. 

How can I get some money - Neighbourhood jobs , Yard sales and anything you want.

I get $20 a week and the Drink bottle I want to buy is $35.

Last but not least How long will it take me to save up? 2 weeks and I will spend another $5 on other things or just save it.

Thankyou for tuning into my blog post today. Make sure you stay safe, Until next time. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

My Maths

Hey Everyone, This is my maths. This kind of maths is about the Vaccination rates of Auckland and Maybe a bit of New Zealand but I am not 100% sure. Here it is. 


The Highest percentage is the total but other than that it is European / other with 32.9%. The lowest is unknown but besides from that it is Asian with 3.2% . 
I hope you enjoyed it bye for now. Have a Sparkly day. Chloe 

My Superpower as a Friend

 Hey Everyone, I am going to share with you a poster that I made and it is called My Superpower as a Friend. 

In the comments tell me 1 superpower that you have as a friend. It could be one of mine or your own. 
Have an amazing day. Stay safe and be yourself. By Chloe. 

Schools will Reopen!

 Hey guys , Next Wednesday on the 17th Schools can reopen but Rather Staged breaks or days or Outdoor learning maybe 2 meters but inside. I am so excited to go back to school but I am in the School bubble so I will be here all day everyday.

Bye for now and stay safe. Enjoy your life because you only have 1. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Will Schools open?

 Hey guys, Today is not really a blog post it's different. 

I have a question for you do you think schools will Reopen with social distancing or Staged year levels at a time?  Tell me in the comments what you think Reopen with social distancing or Staged year levels at a time? 

I really want to know what you think. 

Talk with you on my next blog post. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Level 3 Phase 2

 Hey Everyone, Yesturday the Goverment made a announcement to say that Auckland is going to move to Level 3 phase 2. That means that at Step 2:

retail can open, with customers keeping 2 metres apart, and staff and customers required to wear face coverings 

public facilities like libraries, museums and zoos can reopen, with face coverings required to stay 2 meters apart when there 

people can gather outside of up to 25 people can go ahead, with the removal of the 2-household restriction. Physical distancing is strongly encouraged to help prevent the virus spreading between households.

funerals, weddings  can have up to 25 people attending, as well as up to 5 staff

outdoor organised exercise classes, like yoga and bootcamps, can expand to 25 people, including instructors. they are incoraged to stay 2 meters while outside 

  • I am so excited to now go to places. I hope that you will enjoy going to places to. That's the end of my blog.

Monday, November 8, 2021

My Science Experment

 Hi guys, Last Friday I did a Science Experment. Take a Guess. You can eat it and it is great with Ice Cream!

Did you get it? It was jelly. We made jelly with french Vanilla Ice Cream. We did the Experment to test the different states of matter. There were only 3.

1. Gas

2. Liquid

3. Solid  

The Jelly went from a Solid to a Liquid to a Solid but to be honest the last solid wasn't actully a solid it was wobbly instead of a solid. 

I hope you enjoyed it and I will talk to you guys next blog post. 

My Spring Weekend morning routine

Hey Guys, I thought that it would be a good idea to share with you my Spring Weekend Routine so here it is. 

8:30 - 9:00 Wake Up 

9:00 - 9:30 Breakfast 

9:30 - 9:34 Shower 

9:34 - 9:50 Blow dry hair 

9:50 - 10:00 Curl hair or put it up 

10:10 - 10:30 Watch Tv 

10:30 - 11:30 Watch a Movie or More Tv 

11:30 - 12:30 Decided what I am making for lunch. 

And that is my spring weekend morning routine. Talk to you next blog post enjoy 

Diwali Fireworks

 Hi guys, On Friday - Sunday I was lighting of Fireworks for Diwali. I Thought I would show you some picture of some fireworks of the skytower as well. 

I Hope that you had an amazing Diwali or just lighting fire works 
Talk to you next blog post. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 Hi guys , I have found a new love for doing online puzzles. 

If you want to try some online puzzles try this website. 

It has so many hard , medium and easy but fun puzzles to do 

I'll show you some pictures of puzzles I have done. 

They are so fun and easy.  Have fun doing them. Talk to you guys next blog post