Thursday, November 25, 2021

My Creating Media

 Hey Everyone, Today I had a Cybersmart lesson with Phil and we were Creating Media. What we had to do is Perswade people to come and visit us in the place that we picked. I went out there with mine. I'm in Mexico. I am now going to show you some pictures. 1. I have a postcard. 2. I have a picture with the postcard. Here it is

Sorry about my straight face. I hope you enjoyed my Creating media. 


  1. Good afternoon chloe. I really like your fake media piece. It is fine that you have a straight face in the photo because the background really takes it way.
    Bye, have a great day.

  2. Hi Chloe
    your Mexico fake media looks very cool.have fun in Greece can't what to see it. bye have a great day

    1. Hi Devyn I am just In greece now it will be coming out soon!

  3. Hi Chloe. I love your choice of Mexico and the stamp you created! I'm sure this beautiful sunset and beach would persuade your Mum to have a holiday here. I wonder what you didn't include that would change her decision to visit? Thanks for sharing your fake media!

  4. mhmhmh instresting facts Chloe and bula .
    Mexico huh very unique and enjoyable than you for posting look like your having much fun with your mum in mexico on the lovely beaches where would you go next and who with all the best Vanesah.

  5. Hi Chole,
    This is really cool.
    I'm glad that you want to go to mexico.
    Keep up the good work.

  6. Hi Chloe
    Love the way you actually used Mexico as your background maybe next time you could smile so that your actually in Mexico! But great Post!

  7. Hello Chloe,
    Your Fake Media, along with the postcard and picture looks quite realistic! It seems like you're actually in Mexico.
    You did a very good job with it. Keep up the good work!

  8. Hi Chloe,
    Great fake media,(To be honest I Would Fall for the post card but the picture is good to :)Anywayy Good Job Byeee!
